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The CLIFF Project: May 2024 Workshop

Doelenzaal, Room C0.07, University of Amsterdam 425 Singel 1012 WP Amsterdam, Netherlands

A workshop hosted by Prof. Dr. Gupta and the CLIFF Project at the University of Amsterdam to discuss a fossil fuel phaseout.


The Merchants of Climate Delay

Impulse Impulse, gebouwnummer 115Stippeneng 2 6708 WE Wageningen +31 (0) 317 - 48 28 28, Netherlands

How a handful of companies, advertising agencies and useful idiots are delaying the transition to a post-fossil society and instead tell YOU it is YOUR responsibility to stop flying and… Read More »The Merchants of Climate Delay

Climate Obstruction NL Conference

Registration open for climate obstruction researchers (deadline 4 October). Please reach out for the sign up form and more information.