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Collaboration Policy

Anyone working on research related to any aspects of climate obstruction and climate accountability is welcome to join our network, as long as their climate obstruction work is not for profit. Our network participants include academics, journalists and NGO researchers. Please fill in this form if you’d like to join our network.

We are open to collaborations with not-for-profit organisations and people who do not strictly focus on climate obstruction research but share the same values and/or goals as us. Reach out to us if you’d like to collaborate.

Our Goal

Analyse, understand and expose climate obstruction in the Netherlands, in particular misinformation, tactics of delay, greenwashing, influence and power structures which obstruct climate action, in order to accelerate a just transition to a post-fossil and equitable society.

Our Values

The principles of academic integrity: honesty, diligence, transparency, independence, and responsibility; The journalistic code: truthful, independent, fair, and transparent reporting. 

Exclusion Policy

We do not collaborate with or accept funds from parties whose goals and values conflict with ours, such as those that expand fossil fuel use, exploit people and nature, delay the transition to a post-fossil and equitable world, or promote misinformation. More specifically, we do not collaborate with or accept funds from organisations involved in the exploration and production of coal, oil and gas (we use the GOGEL en GCEL lists as a reference, plus lobby organisations and fossil-industry funded think tanks), human rights abuses and production of weapons (any evidence of this leads to non-collaboration), deforestation (any company in the Forest 500 with a score lower than 60% in the most current assessment), and industrial agriculture (companies with any revenues from industrial agriculture, defined as large-scale monoculture farming with high fertiliser and pesticide input, and large-scale cattle farming). We also do not collaborate or accept money from financial institutions that still invest in fossil fuels. 

Analyse, understand and expose climate obstruction in the Netherlands, in particular misinformation, tactics of delay, greenwashing, influence and power structures which obstruct climate action, in order to accelerate a just transition to a post-fossil and equitable society.

The principles of academic integrity: honesty, diligence, transparency, independence, and responsibility; The journalistic code: truthful, independent, fair, and transparent reporting. 

We do not collaborate with or accept funds from parties whose goals and values conflict with ours, such as those that expand fossil fuel use, exploit people and nature, delay the transition to a post-fossil and equitable world, or promote misinformation. More specifically, we do not collaborate with or accept funds from organisations involved in the exploration and production of coal, oil and gas (we use the GOGEL en GCEL lists as a reference, plus lobby organisations and fossil-industry funded think tanks), human rights abuses and production of weapons (any evidence of this leads to non-collaboration), deforestation (any company in the Forest 500 with a score lower than 60% in the most current assessment), and industrial agriculture (companies with any revenues from industrial agriculture, defined as large-scale monoculture farming with high fertiliser and pesticide input, and large-scale cattle farming). We also do not collaborate or accept money from financial institutions that still invest in fossil fuels.